Andrew Peterson LIVE
in Concert!
March 13th, 6:30pm at First Baptist Church in Sparta
Talk + Book Signing 2:30pm at Peachtree South
For ticket information, please call Peachtree or email:
(931) 528-7216

Across the Country/Around the World
Age: K-2nd grade
Teacher: Kendall Pryor
This course will begin with studies of various countries all over the world. It will involve geographical, culinary, and cultural experiences and will be very interactive! In the spring semester we will complete our learning by traveling to the USA and learning about our country’s foundation and all about its amazing states!
Animal Science
K-2nd grades
Teacher: Sonya Henderson
Based on Nature Reader & using supplemental materials such as videos, books, and crafts. This year we will focus on land mammals, covering different continents throughout the year.
Because He Said Go
Ages: 5-8yrs.
Teacher: Alyssa Clark
Join Ms. Lori as we journey throughout the world, learning about missionaries of the past and present, and what it really means to "Go!" We will have an opportunity to connect with missionaries in different parts of the world, understanding their stories, and what it is like for their children to live the missionary life. This class will also participate in service projects right here in Cookeville. Loving God and loving our neighbors is the greatest journey of all!
Ages: 8-11
Teacher: Angie Clough
We will explore and learn just like Leonardo DaVinci! This class will integrate the concepts of art and science (particularly biology). Each class will focus on an area of science that will be married with various art medias to make science fun and demonstrate the relationship of subjects.
Elementary Math: Level 1
Teacher: Canaan Bowman
Ages: 5-7 yrs.
You are ready to start “Life of Fred” elementary level 1 when you can talk in sentences. You are willing to listen to a 5 page story, and you can hold a pencil, print the digits 0-10, and know your basic addition and subtraction facts up to 10!
Elementary Math: Level 2
Teacher: Canaan Bowman
Ages: 7-9 yrs.
Every class period we will read through a lesson in one of the "Life of Fred" books, then complete the questions. We will also play games and have hands-on projects. Students will take home worksheets to complete their math study for the week. No books necessary for purchase, but there is a $15 printing fee.
Elementary Math: Level 3
Teacher: Canaan Bowman
Ages: 10-12 yrs.
Math 3 is excellent for mid-level students needing to strengthen multiplication and division skills. The "Life of Fred" books bring a different approach than most other curricula, and can also be helpful for reviewing and learning these skill sets.
Four In a Row
Ages: 3-4yrs.
Teacher: Sonya Henderson
Based on the concept of the book "Five in a Row", students will explore a picture book for 4 weeks with rotating activity-based learning!
Fractions, Decimals, & Percents
Grades: 10-12 yrs.
Teacher: Canaan Bowman
This class will use a combination of methods to engage as many senses as possible, including manipulatives, worksheets, videos and games. Fall semester will focus on fractions; spring semester will focus first on decimals then percents and word problems. Students will leave each week with work for 3 more days to bring back the following week to discuss in class.
Great Literary Classics
Ages: 10-13 yrs.
This class will utilize novel studies of great literary classics. The students will take active roles in learning through language, activities, writing, art, and cooperative and individual activities. Students will be required to keep a three ring binder and perform reading and writing exercises at home.
HIStory: The Not So Dark Ages (Sparta Location)
Teacher: Joshua Rexford
Ages: 8-10
Vikings didn’t wear horns on their helmets and the Dark Ages weren’t that dark! This class takes kids on a fascinating and engaging adventure through some of Europe’s most tumultuous and formative periods spanning from the failing of Rome to the rise of the Knights. Learn how people lived, what they ate, who they were, and how the Gospel spread so far and so powerfully in these not so Dark Ages.
Intro to Engineering 1
Ages: 6-9yrs.
Is your child fascinated by science and love building things? Consider our Intro to Engineering class! We will explore various STEM topics through hands-on projects such as Lego robotics, simple bridge design, and other fun lessons.
Intro to Spanish 1
Ages: 8-10 yrs
Teacher: Rosa Aranda
In this class students will be introduced to basic conversational Spanish and culture. Students will learn common words for items around the house, words to navigate their community and other basics that will help them to hold a basic conversation. This class will also give students who desire to take Spanish I & II as a foreign language credit for high school an earlier foundation.
Intro to Spanish 2
Ages: 10+
Teacher: Rosa Aranda
In this class students will build upon what they learned in Intro to Spanish 1. Students will continue to learn common words for items around the house, words to navigate their community and other basics that will help them to hold a basic conversation. This class will also give students who desire to take Spanish I & II as a foreign language credit for high school an earlier foundation.
Jr. Vet
Ages 9-13
Teacher: Catrina Howell
Join us as we explore the exciting world of veterinary medicine. We will discover the important roles of various types of veterinarians, their staff, and others who have animal-related careers. We will focus on different species of animals and learn about their care and keeping through hands-on activities, art, crafts, and literature. There will be special animal guests as we unearth what makes God's amazing creatures so unique.
Little Leos
Ages: 6-8 yrs.
Teacher: Angie Clough
We will explore and learn just like Leonardo DaVinci! This class will integrate the concepts of art and science (particularly biology). Each class will focus on an area of science that will be married with various art medias to make science fun and demonstrate the relationship of subjects.
Little Scientists
Ages: 3-5 years old
Teacher: Kendall Pryor & Alyssa Clark
Preschoolers will explore the world around us. We will begin to develop the skill of observation through nature exploration, hands-on science experiments and activities designed to help us understand God’s wonderful creation.
Once Upon A Time...The End
Ages: 7-9yrs
Teacher: Joshua Rexford
As soon as we begin to understand the world we begin to understand story. After all, we're living in one. Even as young ones we should learn what a story is and how to understand it and compare it to truth.
Reading List: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Dead Sea Squirrels book one, Charlotte's Web, Treasure Island, Little House on the Prairie, and Tom Sawyer.
Reading Foundations 1
Ages: 5-6 yrs. old
Teacher: Chris Sullivan & Kendall Pryor
This is a beginning reading class using clay as we introduce your child to a letter each day. Your child will be introduced to the "Sing, Spell, Read, and Write" program using the "A-Z Phonics Song" and "Letter Name Song", "Vowel Song", and "Ferris Wheel Blend". Printing skills will be strengthened and clay will be used to shape letters as time permits. We will also be making mini-books for them to take home for review.
Reading Foundations 2
Ages: 7-8 years old
Teacher: Chris Sullivan
Using the "Sing, Spell, Read, and Write" program to grow in reading skills. Your child should already know all letter names and sounds. This class will strengthen blending of the first 3 to 4 sounds of a word to guide in easier formation of a word as well as comprehension in reading. Our goal is to read the first 5 short vowel books as we do our workbook. Parents/guardians need to order Sing, Spell, Read & Write - second edition Raceway book, 1998,
ISBN 1-56704-505-7 by calling 855-321-8322 so your student has the right workbook.
Reading Foundations 3
Ages: 8-9 yrs. old
Teacher: Chris Sullivan
Your child should already know all letter names, sounds, blends, and letter slide skills as well as be able to read the first 5 books of the "SSR&W Letter Cluster Song and Games."​ We will use the SSR&W Raceway book, second edition (ISBN: 855-321-8322). We will use Readers 6-9, more if possible as we incorporate 2-vowel and silent 'e' rules along with clusters. We will use scripture, helping us to grow in the love and wisdom of God, to help us solidify our reading skills.
Reading Foundations 4
Ages: 9-10 yrs. old
Teacher: Chris Sullivan
This class will use Readers 10-17 as possible of the "Sing, Spell, Read, & Write" program, second edition 1998 (ISBN: 855-321-8322). Students should already know how to read and spell long and short vowel words and sight words. They should also have printing skills, and we will use Scripture to grow in the Lord, in good character and social skills as we learn of His good plans for us.
Scripture Memory A-Z
Teacher: Sonya Henderson
Ages: 3-5 yrs.
This is a Scripture memory class that uses music recitation, crafts, and read alouds to help young ones to memorize Scripture from the Psalms and various N.T. passages. There will be a weekly sheet sent home with parents to practice with children during the week.
Sprouting Artists
Ages: 3-5 years old
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
This class is designed for you your child to begin developing your child’s inner creativity through music, movement, art, and story time. This class will help your little one learn simple rhythm and movement skills, listening skills, and inspire them to be creative in all art forms! There will be two 30 minute halves, one spent singing, reading, and dancing; and the other in arts and crafts.