Andrew Peterson LIVE
in Concert!
March 13th, 6:30pm at First Baptist Church in Sparta
Talk + Book Signing 2:30pm at Peachtree South
For ticket information, please call Peachtree or email:
(931) 528-7216

~ Vision ~
Music classes and private instruction lessons are offered at Peachtree Learning Center in order to encourage students to steward the God-given gift of music, to educate students in the fundamentals of music theory, appreciation, and expression, and to inspire students to develop their personal musical talents and musicianship skills.
We encourage students to steward the God-given gift of music by teaching music from a Biblical perspective and by modeling stewardship as we teach and engage with students in the classroom setting and in private instruction.
We educate students by being intentional in our approach to music education and by incorporating the standards set forth by the Tennessee Board of Education and other experts in the field. As we infuse a unique theme each year in our music classes, these standards are diligently incorporated into each class period. These standards do not, however, dictate our philosophy of music education or our methodology.
We inspire students by introducing them to various genres of music and avenues of musical stewardship and by providing them with the tools needed to cultivate their own forms of musical expression.
Bluegrass Ensemble
Teachers: Sarah Howell
Ages: 9+
This class will focus solely on learning classic Bluegrass songs & techniques in this class for all bluegrass instruments including guitar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, ukelele, bass, etc.! The ensemble will center around playing as a group, learning tunes by ear as well as with music, and they will be out in the area playing together several times throughout the school year as well as at Peachtree events!
Choir (Jr. High & High School)
Teachers: Tabitha Merritt & Olivia Lee
Ages: 11+
The Bible is filled with over 400 references to singing and more than 50 direct commands to sing. Peachtree believes that our “natural desire to sing” was God-ordained, providing a way for each individual to offer praise and thanksgiving to his or her Creator. With this in mind, the goal of Peachtree’s Chorus is to provide an enjoyable and well-rounded educational approach to the basics of singing an reading music. We pursue this education as a part of pursuing excellence in the stewardship of this special gift from God. Each session will consist of proper vocal preparation which includes: warm-up exercises, agility exercises, and resonance exercises. Music theory will be learned and applied through the selected choral literature. This group will be actively pursuing opportunities to perform and share in our community, and we will also have the opportunity to participate in the MTVA and TNMEA choral and vocal events including (but not limited to): Mid-State Auditions, All-State Auditions, Solo/Ensemble Festival, and regional choral festivals.
Students are required to have approved concert attire for participation in these events.
Elementary Music
Teacher: Olivia Lee
Ages: 5-9
Young musicians in this class will learn basic music theory, see instrument demos, and work on setting their own words to music. We will explore the ways music is both a gift to give and to receive.
Teacher: Olivia Atkinson
Ages: 11+
This handbell choir is for students who are already proficient at reading music. The goal is to use handbells instruction as an enhancement to this basic reading ability allowing for a
broadened sense of musicality and rhythmic expression. This group will be actively pursuing opportunities to perform and share in our community. This class can only accommodate 12 students. Students will be accepted in the order of which their registration is received.
Irish Music
Teacher: Claire Shirey
Traditionally Irish Music is passed through generations as an oral tradition. We continue to foster this method of teaching by learning the music by ear. Students are welcome to learn Irish music on an instrument they already play or begin learning on the Tin Whistle, the most common instrument for musicians to begin on.
Music I
Ages: 5-8yrs.
Teacher: Olivia Atkinson & Olivia Lee
(Sparta Location: Olivia Atkinson)
Music I will begin laying the foundation for music education of the young music student. Each week our exploration of music will include interactive games, exposure to music from different genres, a beginning look at aspects of music theory, singing, and learning new songs. Emphasis of making music for the glory of our God – giving back to Him the gifts He has given to us.
Music II
Ages: 8-11
Teacher: Olivia Atkinson & Olivia Lee
(Sparta Location: Olivia Atkinson)
The foundation of Music I will be built upon in a more structured, technical way in Music II. We will spend time learning what it means to sing as a chorus, as well as working more on original composition, understanding multiple facets of music theory, and learning about different genres and artists through music appreciation. Students will be encouraged to tap into their own musical gifting and explore different ways of using that to glorify God
Music Theory 1/Ear Training
Teacher: Lucy Knowles
Ages: 12+
Eligibility Requirements: Have studied 1-2 years on an instrument and have a very basic knowledge of music theory with their instrument.
Students will learn the building blocks of music, including chords, scales, and intervals. They will then learn how to use that knowledge to have musical freedom, enabling them to learn songs by ear, sightread, and be ready to jump into an ensemble! They will learn to be free of sheet music as they train their ears to hear intervals and learn to identify a song’s harmonics to be able to notate their own music/chord charts. These are invaluable skills for those wanting to play in church, write original music, show up to a group event & jump in on an instrument, notate rhythmic patterns, or transcribe music by ear from recordings! Theory & ear training are valuable tools for all performers and allow you to be able to analyze music you hear to pick up and play on a moment’s notice!
Musical Theater
Teacher: Olivia Atkinson
Ages: 12 & up
Dive into the world of Broadway as we learn the artistry of musical theater and study its rich history. Students will learn to blend the worlds of acting and singing as they work on solo pieces and scenes as well as group numbers. We will study the writing of different composers and analyze the techniques of some of the greats. Students will have at least two opportunityes to perform during the year.
Rhythm/Mandolin Class
Teacher: Sarah Howell & Jesse Atkinson
Ages: 9+
Eligibility Requirements: By audition only. Please contact us if interested
This class is designed to be focused on the techniques and ensemble skills of mandolinists, guitarists, and bassists. Students will learn melodies, harmonies, chord structures/charts, and grooves of many different genres. There will be discussion on stage presence and performance skills. There will be specific things to practice at home each week, and there will be several performance opportunities throughout the year. This new ensemble will be ready to play on their own, as well as collaborate with the older Strings Class and possibly other small ensembles put together for different show opportunities. We are open to all students of mandolin, guitar, or bass guitar!
Teacher: Lucy Knowles
Ages: 12+
Learn what makes a great song (and how you can write one!) as we study form, rhyme, meter, and setting lyrics to music. Students will be equipped and encouraged as they analyze great songs, collaborate, and share their work with each other in a fun and inspiring setting. This class will culminate in a Songwriter’s Night, where students will get to perform their original songs.
NOTE: Students are encouraged to take Ear Training/Charting in tandem with this class to develop a well-rounded skillset.
Strings Class
Teacher: Sarah Howell
Ages: 9+
Eligibility Requirements: Have studied your instrument for at least one year and are currently taking private lessons.
As a string player, ensemble playing is a key way of sharing your music with others, and can be a great source of inspiration. This is the “team sport” of music. Each person in an ensemble is vital to the group. We will learn teamwork and meld as a class as well as learn how your skills can be used on the stage. I believe that the pursuit of excellence in music is a powerful tool in the Kingdom of God that can give the young and old alike a platform for spreading the Gospel. One path on your pursuit of musical excellence is to advance technically, but the other path is to know how to jump into a praise team, bluegrass band, collaborate with a singer/songwriter, or jam with a friend at a coffee shop. Dovetailing with Peachtree’s vision of “Redeeming the Arts for the Glory of God”, together we will explore what it means to be excellent in our craft. We will pursue the potential, not just the next step. The students will be expected to individually practice the material covered in class, and we will have several performances a year. There will be a range of abilities in the class, but each student will be challenged individually.
The Peachtree Strings Class will be taught from a combination of teaching styles. We will springboard from Suzuki material to learn a variety of music, including fiddle, classical, and orchestral. Instruments welcome: violins, violas, & cellos.
NOTE: We will be hosting a series of special skill workshops, and students in this class will receive significant discounts to these.
String Quartet Class
Teacher: Sarah Howell
Ages: 12+
Eligibility Requirements: This class is by invitation only. Please contact us if interested.
Students involved will learn and perform pieces written for string quartets specifically.