Andrew Peterson LIVE
in Concert!
March 13th, 6:30pm at First Baptist Church in Sparta
Talk + Book Signing 2:30pm at Peachtree South
For ticket information, please call Peachtree or email:
(931) 528-7216

~ Vision ~
Dance classes at Peachtree Learning Center are focused on connecting the mind, body, and spirit through movement. We believe that dance and movement are a perfect display of how wonderfully designed our bodies have been made to express ourselves without the utterance of one word, and that our bodies have become a voice that speaks and communicates the message of our Creator. We value the creative potential that each individual life carries and we encourage students to find their own distinctive creative voice through movement in each of our classes.
In each class, we focus heavily on building strong coordinated bodies because our bodies are used to communicate our ideas and thoughts. We focus on solid dance technique principles and standards to build a foundation for our students to then be able to branch out into their own creative movement styles.
The Mind is essential in dance and we encourage intentional thinking in our dancers. We educate our students using a dance vocabulary taken from a variety of specific dance techniques and introduce students to a wide variety of dance styles. We also incorporate the dance standards set forth by the Tennessee Board of Education as well as other experts in the field of dance.
The spirit within each student is what makes their movement come alive. We believe that each student is gifted with great creative potential and we encourage students to explore and discover their own creative spirit through movement. We also emphasize that our bodies are the temple of our spirit and we see dancing with our bodies as a beautifully expressive tool for worship.
Dance Technique
Ages: 10+
Teacher: Olivia Lee
This class will focus on foundational dance techniques that are used in many different styles of dance. The general focus will be on ballet technique with a lighter focus on contemporary and jazz techniques. This class will be beneficial for the student who desires to improve the basis of their dancing and focus on specific areas during each class.
Ages: 5-7yrs. old
Teacher: Olivia Lee
This class is designed as an introduction to ballet with beginning development of Ballet concepts, such as turn out, flexibility, posture, basic locomotor skills, body awareness, spatial awareness, musicality, and rhythm, creative thinking skills, and class etiquette. Classes often incorporate a fun, free-dance worship time to give children the opportunity for self-expression as well. This class will nurture your child’s interest in dance and encourage them to move gracefully in the way the Creator has so beautifully designed their bodies to move.
Irish Dance
Teachers: Katelyn Dunn & Claire Shirey
Ages: 8-13 yrs. old
Learning the proper foundations of dancing as an individual dancer and in a group setting. Solo dancing and group dancing is widely popular in the Irish Culture and will be covered in this class.
Intro to Dance 1
Ages: 8-10yrs. old
Teacher: Olivia Lee
This class is designed as an introduction class to ballet as well as a continuation class for students who have previously taken Pre-Ballet. This class will be beginning/continuing development of ballet concepts such as turn out, flexibility, posture, basic locomotor skills, body awareness, spacial awareness, musicality, and rhythm, creative thinking skills, and class etiquette. Classes often incorporate a fun free-dance and worship time to give children the opportunity for self-expression as well. This class will nurture your child’s interest in dance and encourage them to move gracefully in the way the Creator has so beautifully designed their bodies to move.
Introduction to Dance 2
Ages: 9-11 yrs.
Teacher: Olivia Lee
Introduction to Dance is a beginning level class that will introduce students to a different variety of dance styles. Throughout the year, the students will learn classical ballet and modern technique as well as jazz. Students will also learn to think creatively through movement by exploring the different elements of dance: body, space, effort, and time. This class is great for students who have an interest in dance and want a taste of each of these specific genres of dance.
Introduction to Dance 3
Ages: 11+ yrs.
Teacher: Olivia Lee
Introduction to Dance is a moderate level class that will introduce students to a different variety of dance styles. Throughout the year, students will learn classical ballet and modern technique as well as jazz. Students will also learn to think creatively through movement by exploring the different elements of dance: body, space, effort, and time. This class is great for older students who want a deeper look at these classic dance styles.