Andrew Peterson LIVE
in Concert!
March 13th, 6:30pm at First Baptist Church in Sparta
Talk + Book Signing 2:30pm at Peachtree South
For ticket information, please call Peachtree or email:
(931) 528-7216

~ Vision ~
1. Art making: Art making is the primary purpose and activity of the art classes. Through exploration of media-painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, sculpture, and applied design, students develop an understanding of the principles of art and elements of design, deepening their expressive and critical faculties, honoring their art skills, and cultivating their God-given imagination.
2. Literacy in the Visual Arts: Visual Arts has its own vocabulary and literacy, as well as its own set of skills that support learning across the curriculum. Students hone observation skills and discuss works of art; develop visual arts vocabulary to describe art making, the tools and techniques used to produce art, and the elements and principles of design; and reflect on the process of making art.
3. Making Connections through Visual Arts: Students recognize the societal, cultural, and historical significance of art; connect the visual arts to other disciplines; apply the skills and knowledge learned in visual arts to interpreting the world.
4. Community and Cultural Resources: Our area is rich in community and cultural resources. Students, by working with a variety of school staff, access primary resources in the community to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Students should be actively engaged with the institutions, schools, studio, community-based organizations, libraries, exhibitions, and artists that contribute to the cultural and economic vitality of the area. These resources are integral to the development of young artists, expanding their horizons and enhancing the instruction they receive in school.
3D Design (PLC South Only)
Ages: 12+yrs
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
This class focuses on three-dimensional art. Students will explore ways of bringing artistic ideas to life in three dimensions. Students will be challenged to design and create original works of art stemming from an understanding of the elements and principles of design. This class will give students the opportunity to explore media including paper, wire, clay, and and recycled/found materials. Students will have the opportunity to work with various forms of sculpting and assemblage. This is a hands on class that will give the students experience in designing and understanding the importance of the process in the production of art. Creativity is a gift from God that will be explored as students model, form, and shape materials into something new!
*Students are expected to purchase a sketchbook.
*Materials Fee $25
Advanced Drawing
Ages: 11+
Teacher: Jessica Campanelli
This class is a further study into drawing techniques and exploration of different drawing styles. Students will be encouraged to begin building a portfolio of work and begin developing and recognizing their own personal artistic style. Some projects will be based on a specific concept given by the teacher and other projects will be self-directed with guidance. In this class students will be able to use a variety of materials (charcoal, prismacolor, watercolor, pastels) and learn what materials will best fit the concept of their drawings. Students in this class will also be asked to participate in art critiques and learn to analyze art using the elements and principles. Some projects will require a small description either orally or in written form to help them build confidence when speaking or writing about their artwork or the artwork of others. It is recommended that this class be for students who have taken the beginner drawing class or have proof of previous drawing experience.
Art I
Ages: 5-8 yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will begin exploring the building blocks of art, the elements of design. Children’s books, creation, and our imagination will inspire our lessons each week. Students will enjoy using various media to create drawings, paintings, wax resist art, collages, clay sculptures and more. I desire for all of our growing artists to understand that the process in which art is created is just as important as the product itself! Students will understand that God uniquely created each of us and we can be creative just like Him!
Art II
Ages: 8-11
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will enjoy using a variety of materials and techniques during the school year building on the elements of design and gaining a basic understanding of the principles of design. They will also learn about significant artists, art forms and styles of art. When the year is complete, students will have a knowledge of drawing, painting, printmaking, 3-D sculpture, landscapes, and abstract work too! Our art program is centered on creating work that reflects and glorifies God, the giver of our creativity!
Ages: 11-13 yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Middle School Art: Students will dive deeper into a variety of media and further develop their artistic skills. Additionally, they will create a sketch book encompassing art vocabulary such as the elements and principles of design along with sketches, examples of techniques, and interesting facts about artists and styles of art. When the year is complete, students will have a greater understanding of art and a portfolio of work displaying their artistic skills. Our art program is centered on creating work that reflects and glorifies God, the giver of our creativity!
***Students are required to purchase a sketchbook for this class (roughly 8 1/2” x 11” in size.).
Art IV
Ages: 14+ yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will spend a productive year applying technique and artistic processes to creative and unique projects. They will explore a wide range of media and learn how to talk about art through class critiques, and understand how this valuable skill can lend itself to thinking critically in other areas of life. Students will create a sketchbook to serve as a valuable resource beyond the school year. By the end of the year, students will have a strong understanding of art, a body of art work reflecting their efforts, a sketchbook with sketches, notes, and information, and a confidence to continue to make excellent art. Our program is centered around creating work that reflects and glorifies God, the giver of creativity.
**Note: Students are required to purchase a sketchbook (roughly 8.5"x11")
**Art IV can be taken for a High School Art credit for an additional fee. Call for more details *
Art History
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Ages: 13+
Students will race through art history in this 1 semester class exploring early civilizations through modern times. They will build an art vocabulary, learn about the operations of art history, and participate in studio activities giving them hands-on experiences and appreciation for art through the ages. They will explore Ancient Greek art through their very own version of the Greek Olympics, go on a virtual tour of Ancient Rome, build a Medieval castle, design Byzantine mosaics, create tiles found in the Ottoman empire, and participate in a mini Renaissance festival. Students will design their own art history board game, paint in impressionist style, and discover the art of the modern era (modern, postmodern, and contemporary) and see the thread of creativity woven into each culture and time period.
Drawing 101
Ages: 11+
Teacher: Jessica Campanelli
This class will provide first-time/beginner students with a solid foundation in drawing. Working with pencil and charcoal, students will learn to use line, value, gesture, and perspective, along with developing the ability to see as artists. The class will work with a variety of subject matter including still life, landscape, and figure drawing. Basic drawing supplies will be provided, but students will be given a list of suggested materials. The goal of this class is to develop an understanding of drawing concepts and control of a specific medium.
Elementary Art
Ages: 5-9 yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will spend each class exploring the elements of design as they create art with a focus on children’s literature and our beautiful Appalachian region. Students will enjoy using various media to create drawings, paintings, wax resist art, collages, clay sculptures and more. Students will understand that God uniquely created each of us and we can be creative just like Him!
Elementary Art 1 (PLC South only)
Ages: 5-8 yrs.
Teacher: Laura Ricci
Students will begin learning the fundamentals of art while exploring different mediums. We will use a variety of supplies such as drawing mediums, different types of paint, collages, clay, and more. I’m so excited to teach kids a love and passion for art like those who taught me: I desire for kids to understand that art and creativity are all around us and is something that we can use to deepen our relationship with God.
Innovative Painting Processes
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Ages: 13+
Students will discover fresh, new painting processes that will encourage creativity!
Students will learn how to layer acrylic and oil paints for dynamic results through
blocking in, developing, and rendering. Additionally, students will learn how to use
collage materials to develop lovely mixed media paintings. Our art program is
centered on creating work that reflects and glorifies God, the giver of our
*Students will receive a supply list on the first day of class and will be required to
purchase materials for class. Students will bring materials to class each week.
Mixed Media I & II
Ages: I: 7-12
II: 12+
Teacher: Jessica Campanelli
This art enrichment class will be an afternoon opportunity for projects that focus on the principles and elements of art, material exploration, painting and drawing basics, and a study of many influential artists throughout history. Since this will be a fairly small class, students will have the opportunity to work more one on one with the teacher. The goal of this class is to gain an understanding of essential art concepts. **NOTE: Class size limited to 10 people.**
Mixed Media (PLC South)
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Ages: 11+
Students will dive deeper into a variety of media and further develop their
artistic skills. Students will enjoy using pencil, pastels, paint, collage
materials, and clay. Additionally, they will create a sketch book
encompassing art vocabulary such as the elements and principles of
design along with sketches, examples of techniques, and interesting facts
about artists and styles of art. When the year is complete, students will
have a greater understanding of art and a portfolio of work displaying their
artistic skills. Our art program is centered on creating work that reflects and
glorifies God, the giver of our creativity!
*Students will be required to purchase a sketchbook for this class. Students will
bring this sketchbook to class each week.
Sketchbook specifications: spiral bound, mixed media paper, at least 8.5 x 11”
Oil Painting
Ages: 14+ yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will focus primarily on color theory, composition, painting techniques, and develop a deeper knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Students will create artwork from observation and from the imagination. Students will understand the purpose of art criticism and participate in class art critiques. Students will develop a body of work that encompasses Philippians 4:8: “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
***Students will be expected to purchase materials using the supply list included in the syllabus provided on the first day of class. Students will be responsible for bringing their own supplies to class each week.
Principles of Drawing (PLC South)
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Ages: 12+
Students will explore a variety of dry media (pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, and
pastels) while developing skills in drawing such as contour, gesture, shading,
perspective, realism, etc. Students will gain a deeper understanding of elements
and principles of design and composition. This drawing class will teach students
how to observe like artists, improve fine motor skills, increase spatial reasoning
and grow in creative problem solving. Our art program is centered on creating
work that reflects and glorifies God, the giver of our creativity!
*Students will be required to purchase a sketchbook for this class. Students will
bring this sketchbook to class each week.
Sketchbook specifications: spiral bound, mixed media paper, at least 8.5 x 11”
Set Design, Prop Making, and Mural Painting
Teacher - Lori Vaughn
Ages: 12-18
Students will spend the year learning how to create sets and props for theatrical productions and how to create large scale murals. Student will understand how to apply the elements and principles of art and the principles of 2-D and 3-D design to these forms of art. Students will create the sets and props for the 2023-2024 Peachtree’s drama productions and they will also create a collaborative mural at Peachtree.
Class Fee - $25
Tennessee Arts & History
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Ages: 10+
Student will step back in time to discover the history, geography, arts and culture of our state and the Appalachian region. Students will build a Tennessee history and arts notebook through out the year. Students will create art and crafts inspired by our rich Appalachian heritage. Students will have enrichment homework during the week.
Materials Fee: $20
Watercolor/Acrylic Painting
Ages: 11+ yrs.
Teacher: Lori Vaughn
Students will have an opportunity to develop skills in watercolor and acrylic painting, two mediums that are easily accessible, versatile, and vibrant. Students will learn the importance of color theory and how to create a strong composition, utilizing the elements and principles of design. Students will create realistic, impressionistic, nonobjective, and self expressive paintings. Students will learn about artists and artistic styles as well. Students will develop a body of work that encompasses Philippians 4:8: And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Class fee: $25